Brian Luke Seaward, PhD - Managing Stress in the Digital Age

Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, discusses how to manage stress in the modern world with several different techniques on The FitMind Podcast episode 7.

Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, discusses how to manage stress in the modern world with several different techniques on The FitMind Podcast episode 7.

Episode 7

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Episode Overview

Dr. Brian Luke Seaward is an expert in stress management, lecturing all over the world on TEDx, PBS and the White House.

He's coached several Olympic athletes, various heads of state, Broadway actors, media personalities and CEOs.

In this episode, we discuss why the brain is so on-edge in our modern world and Dr. Seaward provides several tips for calming the mind, including meditation and digital detox.

In fact, he says that he doesn’t even own a cell phone because of the benefits he gets from completely unplugging in our modern, fast-paced world.

While that may be on the extreme end of the spectrum, there are many direct takeaways in this episode for managing stress and coming into a better state of being.

Hope you enjoy!

P.S. — If you’re serious about starting or deepening your meditation practice, check out the FitMind meditation app.

Dr. Brian Luke Seaward Bio

Dr. Seward is renowned internationally as an expert in the field of stress management, mind-body healing, and corporate health promotion. He has spoken on TEDx, graduation speeches, medical seminars, and boardroom meetings, and his work has been featured on PBS. He has taught his techniques in meditation and stress management to various heads of state, Olympic athletes, Broadway actors, media personalities, leaders of multinational corporations, and at the White House. Dr. Seaward has authored 17 books, including Managing Stress, Quiet Mind, Fearless Heart, and Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water.

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